
Iain Abernethy Seminar 2.feb+3.feb 2019 Hinnerup min. 15 år

Hinnerup Karate inviterer igen til seminar med Iain Abernethy.
Man tilmelder sig selv til Jan Drachmann, og sørger selv for overførsel af penge.
Det er muligt at låne plethandsker og sparkepuder af klubben.
Kontakt Henriette om dette inden d. 23.1.19.

Det kan VARMT anbefales, hvis man ønsker at vide mere om karate i praktisk brug.
iain er rigtig god til at forklare, og han har altid nogle humoristiske anekdoter,
der gør et meget lærerigt seminar yderst underholdende.

Det vil være en rigtig god ide at stifte bekendskab med vores Chinto Kata inden seminaret.

Program, priser og adresse står længere nede.

“This year’s Danish seminar with Iain will be open to everyone (min. 15 years of age) with an interest in
practical karate applications and the themes of the event will be:

Chinto / Gankaku Bunkai and Drills: This year we will cover bunkai for the whole of Chinto / Gankaku kata!
This will cumulate in a unique two-person drill that will run through the bunkai for the full kata, in the same order as the kata!
The bunkai, and related drill, include gripping skills, disengagements, locks, throws, close-range strikes, strangles, trapping,
and a host of other combative methods!
Iain has only publicly taught this drill on two other occasions (Germany and Switzerland) and never before in Denmark!

Pad Drills for Close-Range Combat: These drills will cover the development of power when we are in
close-proximity to the enemy; they are therefore vital for self-defence.
We will also cover the integration of close-range striking with other close-range methods
including trapping, gripping, throwing, take-downs, locks, etc.

Pad Drills for Attribute Development: We will also cover how we can use pads to develop the attributes
required for effectively apply techniques under pressure. This will include drills for dealing with stress,
disorientation, surprise and confusion.


Saturday 2nd February
Kl. 11.00-13.30: Chinto / Gankaku Bunkai – Part A
Kl. 13.30-14.30: Break
Kl. 14.30-16.30: Pad Drills for Close-Range Combat

Sunday 3rd February
Kl. 09.30-12.00: Chinto / Gankaku Bunkai – Part B
Kl. 12.00-12.45: Break
Kl. 12.45-15.00: Pad Drills for Attribute Development

Rønbækskolen (in the small sports hall at the school)
Ådalsvej 100
8382 Hinnerup, Denmark

Price and registration
The price for both days will be 500,00 DKR and 350,00 DKR for one day.

Registration should be by e-mail to info@hinnerup-karate.dk before 25th January.
Danish participants should please transfer the registration fee to reg.nr 5075 kontonr. 0001196127,
while foreigners can pay when they arrive at the venue.

For more information contact us by e-mail at info@hinnerup-karate.dk or
call +45 22 86 67 03 (Jan Drachmann).